Mosque Self-Assessment Policy

1. Purpose

This self-assessment policy is designed to ensure the effective and efficient management of the mosque, including the Sunday school, toilet facilities, and kitchen. The policy aims to promote continuous improvement in all aspects of the mosque’s operations, ensuring a safe, welcoming, and spiritually enriching environment for all attendees.

2. Scope
This policy applies to all activities and facilities within the mosque, including:

  • General mosque operations
  • Sunday school for children
  • Toilet facilities
  • Kitchen facilities

3. Objectives
The objectives of this self-assessment policy are to:

Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of mosque activities and services.
Ensure compliance with health, safety, and hygiene standards.
Identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes.
Engage the mosque community in the continuous improvement process.

4. Self-Assessment Process
4.1 Frequency
Self-assessments will be conducted biannually (every six months) to ensure regular monitoring and continuous improvement.
4.2 Areas of Assessment
Spiritual Activities: Assessment of the quality and impact of sermons, prayer services, and religious education programs.
Sunday School: Evaluation of the curriculum, teaching methods, student progress, and overall management of the Sunday school.
Toilet Facilities: Review of cleanliness, availability of supplies, maintenance of equipment, and accessibility.
Kitchen Facilities: Assessment of hygiene practices, maintenance of equipment, and compliance with food safety regulations.
Community Engagement: Evaluation of how effectively the mosque engages with its community, including feedback from attendees.
4.3 Methodology
Surveys and Feedback: Collect feedback from mosque attendees, Sunday school students, parents, teachers, and volunteers through surveys and suggestion boxes.
Checklists: Use checklists to ensure all areas of the mosque, including the toilets and kitchen, meet the required standards.
Observations: Conduct regular observations during mosque activities, Sunday school sessions, and while using the facilities.
Meetings: Hold meetings with mosque management, Sunday school staff, and volunteers to discuss findings and areas for improvement.

5. Roles and Responsibilities
5.1 Mosque Management Committee
Oversee the self-assessment process and ensure that it is conducted according to this policy.
Review the findings of the self-assessment and approve action plans for improvement.
Ensure that resources are available to address identified issues.
5.2 Sunday School Coordinator
Ensure the Sunday school is operating effectively and in line with the mosque’s educational goals.
Participate in the self-assessment process and implement any recommended changes.
5.3 Facilities Manager/Caretaker
Ensure that the toilet and kitchen facilities are maintained to a high standard.
Conduct regular checks on facilities and address any maintenance issues promptly.
Participate in the self-assessment process by providing input and implementing changes.
5.4 Volunteers and Staff
Participate in the self-assessment process by providing feedback and suggestions.
Implement any changes or improvements recommended by the self-assessment.

6. Action Plans
After each self-assessment, an action plan will be developed to address areas requiring improvement.
The action plan will outline specific actions, responsible individuals, timelines, and required resources.
Progress on the action plan will be reviewed in the next self-assessment cycle.

7. Review and Continuous Improvement
This policy will be reviewed annually by the mosque management committee to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.
The self-assessment process and outcomes will be documented and used to inform future planning and decision-making.

8. Communication
The results of the self-assessment and the corresponding action plans will be communicated to the mosque community to maintain transparency and encourage involvement in the continuous improvement process.

9. Confidentiality
All feedback and findings from the self-assessment will be treated confidentially. Individual feedback will not be disclosed publicly without consent.
This policy ensures that the mosque operates effectively and provides a safe and enriching environment for all attendees, including those involved in the Sunday school. The biannual self-assessment will help in identifying areas of improvement and implementing necessary changes in a timely manner.


Welcome to West Wales Islamic Cultural Association & Masjid

To create a harmonious environment and promote the enhancement of human values, spiritual attainment and faith in the Almighty, through providing the community around Wales with focal point for a range of spiritual, social, cultural, educational and training activities, and this will enable the community to develop greater self-confidence through a sense of belonging in order to affirm its cultural identities and renew its zest of self-reliance.

To create unity through religion and to improve and enhance skills, knowledge and capacity of the community to espouse values of diversity, tolerance and moderation and promote interfaith dialogue with other religious group, by reaching out and acting as a resource centre for the local communities, voluntary and statutory agencies and the wider community as a whole.

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The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah multiplies ˹the reward even more˺ to whoever He wills. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing. [al-Baqarah 2:261]

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ِAllah says: “Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and donate from what He has entrusted you with. So those of you who believe and donate will have a mighty reward.” [al-Hadeed 57:7]


Measuring success.

The previous generation has done most of the hard work so that the coming generations can focus on education, providing guidance to others and becoming a benefit to society.